About Serenity House of Clallam County
Summary of SHCC
Serenity House is the leading housing organization in Clallam County, working to resolve homelessness and housing insecurity for low-income families, seniors, individuals, and people with disabilities. Serenity House divides its work into five departments in order to give the most efficient services over the widest possible range to low-income families, homeless, and those in danger of becoming homeless.
These are:
Coordinated Entry (CE) provides the primary access for resources in Clallam County’s homelessness crisis response system. CE connects the highest need and most vulnerable persons in the community to available housing and provides case management and referrals to internal/external services that will help stabilize them in their journey to obtaining housing and self-reliance. Serenity House of Clallam County hosts weekly homeless prioritization meetings for our community partners to sponsor referrals.
Coordinated Entry is accessible at Housing Resource Centers located in Port Angeles, Sequim, and Forks, as well as our single adult and family shelter facilities, and the youth drop-in center (The Drop) in Port Angeles.
Serenity House’s Youth Services programs provide help for the most vulnerable young people, 12-24 years old, with housing assistance, skill development, supportive services, and emergency access to shelter and support.
Our three housing sites are Evergreen Family Village, Maloney Heights, and Sunbelt. All are HUD low-income housing sites. Clients can choose voluntary case management and we refer mental health and medical services to community partners. Our goal is to help create healthy, sustainable living conditions where every person has a place to call home.
Clients must be referred for vacancies through the coordinated entry system.
Serenity House of Clallam County is a low barrier adult shelter that is open 24/7 and provides wraparound services. We provide a warm, safe place to stay, 3 meals a day, access to medical services, laundry services, and transportation to our homeless population. As part of the coordinated entry, we perform state required Point-in-Time (PIT) Count.
Serenity Thrift Store is three thrift stores (Main Store, Showcase, and Appliance) in Sequim that provide important supplementary revenue for expenses that our grants do not cover. These stores provide high quality, affordable goods to our community.
To learn more, visit our Thrift Stores page.

Annual Reports
Serenity House of Clallam County Annual Report
2023 SHCC Annual Report
2022 SHCC Annual Report
2021 SHCC Annual Report
2020 SHCC Annual Report
Clallam County Annual Reports
2024 Clallam County Annual Report
2023 Clallam County Annual Report
2022 Clallam County Annual Report